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Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are among the most lethal DNA lesions, and a variety of pathways have evolved to manage their repair in a timely fashion. One such pathway is homologous recombination (HR), in which information from an undamaged donor site is used as a template for repair. Although many of the biochemical steps of HR are known, the physical movements of chromosomes that must underlie the pairing of homologous sequence during mitotic DSB repair have remained mysterious. Recently, several groups have begun to use a variety of genetic and cell biological tools to study this important question. These studies reveal that both damaged and undamaged loci increase the volume of the nuclear space that they explore after the formation of DSBs. This DSB-induced increase in chromosomal mobility is regulated by many of the same factors that are important during HR, such as ATR-dependent checkpoint activation and the recombinase Rad51, suggesting that this phenomenon may facilitate the search for homology. In this perspective, we review current research into the mobility of chromosomal loci during HR, as well as possible underlying mechanisms, and discuss the critical questions that remain to be answered. Although we focus primarily on recent studies in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, examples of experiments performed in higher eukaryotes are also included, which reveal that increased mobility of damaged loci is a process conserved throughout evolution.  相似文献   
Mutual information and entropy transfer analysis employed on two inactive states of human beta-2 adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) unraveled distinct communication pathways. Previously, a so-called “highly” inactive state of the receptor was observed during 1.5 microsecond long molecular dynamics simulation where the largest intracellular loop (ICL3) was swiftly packed onto the G-protein binding cavity, becoming entirely inaccessible. Mutual information quantifying the degree of correspondence between backbone-Cα fluctuations was mostly shared between intra- and extra-cellular loop regions in the original inactive state, but shifted to entirely different regions in this latest inactive state. Interestingly, the largest amount of mutual information was always shared among the mobile regions. Irrespective of the conformational state, polar residues always contributed more to mutual information than hydrophobic residues, and also the number of polar-polar residue pairs shared the highest degree of mutual information compared to those incorporating hydrophobic residues. Entropy transfer, quantifying the correspondence between backbone-Cα fluctuations at different timesteps, revealed a distinctive pathway directed from the extracellular site toward intracellular portions in this recently exposed inactive state for which the direction of information flow was the reverse of that observed in the original inactive state where the mobile ICL3 and its intracellular surroundings drove the future fluctuations of extracellular regions.  相似文献   
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases catalyze ATP-dependent covalent coupling of cognate amino acids and tRNAs for ribosomal protein synthesis. Escherichia coli isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) exploits both the tRNA-dependent pre- and post-transfer editing pathways to minimize errors in translation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which tRNAIle organizes the synthetic site to enhance pre-transfer editing, an idiosyncratic feature of IleRS, remains elusive. Here we show that tRNAIle affects both the synthetic and editing reactions localized within the IleRS synthetic site. In a complex with cognate tRNA, IleRS exhibits a 10-fold faster aminoacyl-AMP hydrolysis and a 10-fold drop in amino acid affinity relative to the free enzyme. Remarkably, the specificity against non-cognate valine was not improved by the presence of tRNA in either of these processes. Instead, amino acid specificity is determined by the protein component per se, whereas the tRNA promotes catalytic performance of the synthetic site, bringing about less error-prone and kinetically optimized isoleucyl-tRNAIle synthesis under cellular conditions. Finally, the extent to which tRNAIle modulates activation and pre-transfer editing is independent of the intactness of its 3′-end. This finding decouples aminoacylation and pre-transfer editing within the IleRS synthetic site and further demonstrates that the A76 hydroxyl groups participate in post-transfer editing only. The data are consistent with a model whereby the 3′-end of the tRNA remains free to sample different positions within the IleRS·tRNA complex, whereas the fine-tuning of the synthetic site is attained via conformational rearrangement of the enzyme through the interactions with the remaining parts of the tRNA body.  相似文献   
Abstract. A method for modelling heat and mass transfer by diffusion-controlled electrode reactions in a fluid tunnel is described. In this procedure, a nickelplated leaf functions as a test electrode, and the convective transfer of ions to the leaf cathode in an electrolyte-filled flow tunnel is measured as a function of flow rate. The method permits the simulation of water vapour and heat transfer, and in particular, the determination of boundary layer conductances, by analogy with observed ion transfer. The approach is applicable to many problems in modelling heat and mass transfer between leaves and their surroundings, and is especially useful in examining the properties of leaves in which surface characteristics or overall shape are complex. Using this method, the properties of the highly dissected leaves of Achillea lanulosa with regard to forced convection were investigated. The leaves showed high transfer conductances, indicating that the effective unit of heat transfer was probably the individual leaf subelements. Conductances tended to be greater and effective characteristic dimensions smaller for the larger, more open leaves of a lower altitude population in contrast with leaves from high altitude plants. While the results provide insight into the properties of these complex leaf shapes, difficulties in interpreting the findings are discussed, and a number of exploratory approaches are suggested for data analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   
中国梧桐属(Firmiana)在世界梧桐属中占比较大,且除梧桐外其余种均为中国特有且分布范围狭窄的植物种,灭绝风险大,研究气候变化对中国梧桐属树种的影响对于维护生物多样性具有重要的意义。结合多时期第六次国际气候耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)气候变量数据和中国八种梧桐属树种的分布数据,基于R语言kuenm程序包优化的最大熵(Maxent)模型模拟分析中国八种梧桐属树种在多尺度下的潜在适生区,得出梧桐属最适宜的模拟尺度、潜在适生区的面积变化和迁移方向、梧桐属多样性保护关键区域及保护空缺。结果表明:(1)梧桐属最适宜的模拟尺度为亚洲;(2) Maxent模型的接收者操作特征曲线下面积(AUC)值均大于0.9,表明模型对梧桐属潜在适生区预测结果具有较高准确度;(3)气候变化影响下除云南梧桐(Firmiana major)外其它树种的潜在适生区都将在未来有所扩大;(4)中国八种梧桐属树种潜在适生区迁移方向主要为东西向,南北向大跨度迁移较少,纬度变化不大;(5)丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis)的稳定潜在适生区最小;(6)中国梧桐属多样性保护关键区域主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、广东、海南等省区;(7)中国梧桐属多样性保护空缺区域主要分布于广西壮族自治区中部及海南省北部;(8)梧桐属多样性保护关键区域正在为人造地表所侵蚀。研究分析气候变化对中国八种梧桐属树种的影响及其潜在适生区变化、中国梧桐属多样性保护状态,可为中国梧桐属建立多样性保护廊道提供相关建议,为制定多样性保护规划及相应措施提供参考。  相似文献   
To understand general features in evolution of kinetochore organization, investigating a wide range of mitotic mechanisms in various non-model eukaryotes is necessary. A binucleate flagellate Giardia intestinalis is a representative of highly divergent eukaryotic lineage of Metamonads. FIB/SEM tomography was used to investigate ultrastructural details of its mitotic architecture, including kinetochores. Giardia undergoes semi-open mitosis, with the nuclear envelope remaining intact except for polar fenestrae, allowing microtubules to enter the nucleoplasm. At the onset of mitosis, the nuclear envelope bends inward, forming a concave depression at the spindle poles. Spindle microtubules emanate from a cytoplasmic fuzzy microtubule organizing center near the flagellar basal bodies. Kinetochoral microtubules enter the nucleoplasm and bind to kinetochores. A small bipartite kinetochore composed of a dense inner disk, approximately 46 nm in diameter, and a two-armed outer fork, is attached to just one microtubule. To our knowledge, this is the first in situ evidence of a one-microtubule attachment to a kinetochore, which could represent a basic eukaryotic situation.  相似文献   
Summary Conditional lethality in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., occurred in F2 plants when cytoplasmicchlorophyll mutant Genetic Type T275 was the female parent and when either nuclear mutants T253 or T323 plants were the male parents. Mutant T253 [Mdh1-n (Urbana) y20 (Urbana) k2] is missing two of three mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase isozymes [Mdh1-n (Urbana)] and has yellowish-green leaves [y20 (Urbana)] and a tan-saddle pattern seed coat (k2). Mutant T323 [Mdh1-n (Ames 2) y20 (Ames 2)] also is missing two of three mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase isozymes [Mdh1-n (Ames 2)] and has yellowishgreen leaves [y20 (Ames 2)], but has yellow seed coat (K2). Mutants T275, T253, and T323 are viable both in the field and glasshouse. The genotypes cyt-Y2 Mdh1-n (Urbana) y20 (Urbana) k2/Mdh1-n (Urbana) y20 (Urbana) k2 and cyt-Y2 Mdh1-n (Ames 2) y20 (Ames 2)/Mdh1-n (Ames 2) y20 (Ames 2) are conditional lethals. These genotypes are lethal under field conditions, but plants survive in reduced light under shadecloth in the glasshouse. We do not know if their interaction with cyt-Y2 is due to Mdh1-n, y20, or Mdh1-n y20. The reciprocal cross (cyt-Y2 as male parent) gives viable genotypes. These conditional lethal genotypes should be useful for studies on the interaction between organelle and nuclear genomes.This is journal paper no. J-14777 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA 50011-1010. Project 2985  相似文献   
《Current biology : CB》2020,30(22):4441-4453.e4
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In the developing wheat grain, photosynthate is transferred longitudinally along the crease phloem and then laterally into the endosperm cavity through the crease vascular parenchyma, pigment strand and nucellar projection. In order to clarify this cellular pathway of photosynthate unloading, and hence the controlling mechanism of grain filling, the potential for symplastic and apoplastic transfer was examined through structural and histochemical studies on these tissue types. It was found that cells in the crease region from the phloem to the nucellar projection are interconnected by numerous plasmodesmata and have dense cytoplasm with abundant mitochondria. Histochemical studies confirmed that, at the stage of grain development studied, an apoplastic barrier exists in the cell walls of the pigment strand. This barrier is composed of lignin, phenolics and suberin. The potential capacity for symplastic transfer, determined by measuring plasmodesmatal frequencies and computing potential sucrose fluxes through these plasmodesmata, indicated that there is sufficient plasmodesmatal cross-sectional area to support symplastic unloading of photosynthate at the rate required for normal grain growth. The potential capacity for membrane transport of sucrose to the apoplast was assessed by measuring plasma membrane surface areas of the various cell types and computing potential plasma membrane fluxes of sucrose. These fluxes indicated that the combined plasma membrane surface areas of the sieve element–companion cell (se–cc) complexes, vascular parenchyma and pigment strand are not sufficient to allow sucrose transfer to the apoplast at the observed rates. In contrast, the wall ingrowths of the transfer cells in the nucellar projection amplify the membrane surface area up to 22-fold, supporting the observed rates of sucrose transfer into the endosperm cavity. We conclude that photosynthate moves via the symplast from the se–cc complexes to the nucellar projection transfer cells, from where it is transferred across the plasma membrane into the endosperm cavity. The apoplastic barrier in the pigment strand is considered to restrict solute movement to the symplast and block apoplastic solute exchange between maternal and embryonic tissues. The implications of this cellular pathway in relation to the control of photosynthate transfer in the developing grain are discussed.  相似文献   
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